Wednesday 31 October 2012

I knew you were trouble!

                                                         click here to hear the song! <3

                                              I knew you were trouble when you walked in
                                                                So shame on me now
                                                        Flew me to places I'd never been
                                                   Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground!!

                                                   ( New album "RED" in stores now!! <3)

A fun Halloween!

  So it's Halloween! However I never wear a costume so I guess it's just another day for me? :P  Every year I try to plan something awesome and I always get a really good idea for a Halloween costume but then never actually get around to buying one or getting things to make one, so it never works out...

  I think the last time I actually wore a costume, or the last good one I remember; was when I wore regular clothes and a sign that said "nudist on strike!" A lot of people seemed to like that one! My most recent costume was actually some kind of adaption of the scream with red glowing eyes but I didn't like that one as much, I prefer humorous costumes :D Also, with that particular costume I was scaring a lot of little kids so that wasn't as fun of a night as it could have been. I don't like scaring the little kiddies because then it's not as fun for them!

  This year I didn't have a costume at all, however at school I became "zombified" for the Michael Jackson "Thriller" flash mob that we did with Link Crew for the grade nine students at school. They seemed to be very surprised at first and almost had glazed looks on their faces but they quickly got into it and were cheering and clapping along with us! Afterwards we gave them candy and they all seemed to be very happy!

  Maybe I didn't dress up this year or go to any big Halloween parties but it was still a great day nonetheless! Seeing all the funny costumes at school and doing the flash mob certainly made it a day to remember and hopefully next year will be just as good!

Tuesday 30 October 2012

My mind is crumbling away!

  My head has been in a million different places this past week, it's crazy that I've been able to get anything done! Between school work and the struggles in my family life and my personal life, I've seriously been finding it difficult to stay sane!

  Grade 12 is absolutely insane right now with all that I have to have due in the very near future, plus I'm trying to organise a club and events (which I don't see happening anytime soon...) and my family's like spreading apart, my grandpa's dying and my mental state is crumbling... I seriously need to just get away!!

  Adults often seem to laugh at us when we say we're having issues or that we are having a hard life, if only they would actually take the time to listen to us and understand where we are coming from!!

Monday 29 October 2012

My new favourite song :D

                                       State of Grace by Taylor Swift
                                              I'm walking fast through the traffic lights
                                                         Busy streets and busy lives
                                                    And all we know is touch and go
                                               We are alone with our changing minds
                                                  We fall in love till it hurts or bleeds,
                                                                  or fades in time
                                                       And I never saw you coming
                                                         And I’ll never be the same

                                                 You come around and the armor falls
                                                    Pierce the room like a cannon ball
                                                     Now all we know, is don’t let go
                                                        We are alone just you and me
                                               Up in your room and our slates are clean
                                                    Just twin fire signs, four blue eyes

                                                           So you were never a saint.
                                                           I love the shades of wrong.
                                                         We learn to live with the pain.
                                                                Mosaic broken hearts.
                                                         But this love is great and wild.

                                                          And I never saw you coming
                                                            And I’ll never be the same

                                                               This is a state of grace
                                                            This is a worth while fight
                                                               Love is a ruthless game
                                                       Unless you play it good and right

                                                            These are the hands of fate
                                                              You’re my Achilles heel
                                                This is the golden age of something good
                                                                   and right and real
                                                         And I never saw you coming
                                                           And I’ll never be the same
                                                         And I never saw you coming
                                                           And I’ll never be the same

                                                              This is a state of grace
                                                           This is a worth while fight
                                                             Love is a ruthless game
                                                     Unless you play it good and right

Mixed Emotions...

...and his words echoed unto me with utmost power and force as I turned and walked away. "Sometimes you wish that things could last forever", he said "but not now, not this time."
It was with those final words that I began to weep, one single tear quickly turning to a waterfall cascading down my cheeks.

  Maybe this was not what he wanted for us but secretly I hoped we would last forever, that our love was eternal. He was my first and I honestly fell head over heels in love with him, little did I know that all he had on his mind was sex. It was at that point I questioned whether or not "we" were real, whether or not we had something between us. Apparently we did not...

  The odd thing is, I think I still love him but I don't know why. There is this odd, almost magnetic pull that keeps drawing me back to him, wanting more. To me he is the most attractive, mysterious, alluring person I've ever known; there is something about him that makes you want to always be around him and I can't quite put together the whole picture.

  We have been spending a lot of time talking to eachother recently, a lot more than just regular friends would and he has even said things about me, perhaps just jokingly, that he still finds me very attractive. I can always tell though when he is serious and when he is not, even in text. I hope that he still has some amount of attraction to me and that maybe we could one day be together again. I know that everything would be so much better if I had someone to love. Not just that family-like love but that intense passionate love that you can only feel with the right person. You see, I honestly think that the "right person", is him.

A happy post to start :)

  I've been to quite a few places in the world and I enjoyed them all very much, however I think that if I could pack up a suitcase and leave to go anywhere in the world right now, I would definitely visit Australia! Of all the places in the world I definitely see Australia as the most beautiful because everywhere you go in the outback, or by the ocean, there is not one place that could even remotely be considered ugly or in any way unnatractive to the eye of the beholder.

  Australia is sourrounded by some of the bluest and the most clear oceans and miles of vast countrysides and even massive red rock faces when you are travelling through the outback. Something that I didn't even know is that there are 570 000 unique species that exist in Australia alone! How could someone not want to go just to see new species? If all these majestic animals would not be enough to draw you in then maybe the Great Barrier Reef could?

  The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest coral reef system composed of over 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands stretching for over 2,600 kilometres (1,600 mi) over an area of approximately 344,400 square kilometres (133,000 sq mi). The reef is located in the Coral Sea, off the coast of Queensland, Australia. This is one of the largest, extremely delicate eco-systems currently in existence! This eco-system is also the home to a diversity of life including many endangered or vulnerable species that need to be protected by non other than us humans. An example of sea life that exists solely in this area is the green sea turtle (seen above). Some day I hope to travel to Australia and hopefully stay for a while so that I can protect these wonderful animals and many others!