Wednesday 31 October 2012

A fun Halloween!

  So it's Halloween! However I never wear a costume so I guess it's just another day for me? :P  Every year I try to plan something awesome and I always get a really good idea for a Halloween costume but then never actually get around to buying one or getting things to make one, so it never works out...

  I think the last time I actually wore a costume, or the last good one I remember; was when I wore regular clothes and a sign that said "nudist on strike!" A lot of people seemed to like that one! My most recent costume was actually some kind of adaption of the scream with red glowing eyes but I didn't like that one as much, I prefer humorous costumes :D Also, with that particular costume I was scaring a lot of little kids so that wasn't as fun of a night as it could have been. I don't like scaring the little kiddies because then it's not as fun for them!

  This year I didn't have a costume at all, however at school I became "zombified" for the Michael Jackson "Thriller" flash mob that we did with Link Crew for the grade nine students at school. They seemed to be very surprised at first and almost had glazed looks on their faces but they quickly got into it and were cheering and clapping along with us! Afterwards we gave them candy and they all seemed to be very happy!

  Maybe I didn't dress up this year or go to any big Halloween parties but it was still a great day nonetheless! Seeing all the funny costumes at school and doing the flash mob certainly made it a day to remember and hopefully next year will be just as good!

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